문의 010 7574 9841
평일 오전9시 ~ 오후6시 입니다. (공휴일은 통화불가합니다)
부재중일시 전화나 카톡 남겨주시면 업무시간때 체크후 피드백 드리겠습니다.
고급 전력 시스템 – 전력 분산 장치, 1000W
N7909A Advanced Power System – Power Dissipater Unit, 1000 W
The N7909A power dissipater unit adds current sinking or two-quadrant operation to any Advanced Power System (APS) N6900A or N7900A power supply. Each N7909A provides up to 1 kW of current sinking capability to an APS power supply, so you will need two N7909As to achieve full two-quadrant operation of a 2-kW APS supply. You can use a single N7909A unit with a 2-kW APS power supply to achieve 50% current sinking capability. The N7909A form factor is 1U and full rack width. N7909A connects to an APS power supply via a two-wire power connection and a communication connection to provide continuous two-quadrant operation. The connections are located on the rear panel of both the N7909A and the supply.
Note that the N7909A does not operate as a standalone instrument. It only works with an APS power supply. Additional information on the APS’s 2-quadrant operation:
N7909A N7909A KEYSIGHT KEYSIGHT N7909A N7909A 키사이트 키사이트 N7909A
문의 010 7574 9841
평일 오전9시 ~ 오후6시 입니다. (공휴일은 통화불가합니다)
부재중일시 전화나 카톡 남겨주시면 업무시간때 체크후 피드백 드리겠습니다.
고급 전력 시스템 – 전력 분산 장치, 1000W
N7909A Advanced Power System – Power Dissipater Unit, 1000 W
The N7909A power dissipater unit adds current sinking or two-quadrant operation to any Advanced Power System (APS) N6900A or N7900A power supply. Each N7909A provides up to 1 kW of current sinking capability to an APS power supply, so you will need two N7909As to achieve full two-quadrant operation of a 2-kW APS supply. You can use a single N7909A unit with a 2-kW APS power supply to achieve 50% current sinking capability. The N7909A form factor is 1U and full rack width. N7909A connects to an APS power supply via a two-wire power connection and a communication connection to provide continuous two-quadrant operation. The connections are located on the rear panel of both the N7909A and the supply.
Note that the N7909A does not operate as a standalone instrument. It only works with an APS power supply. Additional information on the APS’s 2-quadrant operation:
N7909A N7909A KEYSIGHT KEYSIGHT N7909A N7909A 키사이트 키사이트 N7909A